Thermal transfer ribbons

Thermal transfer ribbons

Techjon offers thermal transfer ribbons for all types of printers, both for printing on labels and directly on packaging, e.g. foil.


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Techjon offers thermal transfer ribbons for all types of printers, both for printing on labels and directly on packaging, e.g. foil.

We offer:

-Standard wax thermal transfer ribbons – used on paper labels that are not exposed to abrasion or low temperatures.
-Premium wax thermal transfer ribbons – they are more resistant to abrasion and to low and high temperatures. Therefore, they can be successfully used in refrigerated conditions or on labels exposed to contact with other packages during transport.
-Standard wax-resin thermal transfer ribbons – for printing on semi-glossy labels. Provides high abrasion resistance.
-Premium wax-resin thermal transfer ribbons – ribbons with increased resin content, making them even more resistant to abrasion and external factors.
-Resin thermal transfer ribbons that are characterized by the highest resistance to abrasion and all external factors, such as high and low temperature or chemical elements.

Our many years of experience in the distribution of tapes gives customers the confidence that we will offer an optimal product at an attractive price. For both flat-head and edge-head printers for fast prints.


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